Even though China is now the world's largest polluter, you still think they should be exempted Kyoto...
You Just Might be a Liberal!
If you haven't figured out yet that neither Bush nor Cheney will be on the 2008 ballot....
You Just Might be a Liberal!
If you feel Jimmy Carter and Al Gore both richly deserved their Nobel Prizes and politics were not involved....
You Just Might be a Liberal!
If you feel everyone is picking on Hillary just because she's a girl...
You Just Might be a Liberal!
And a Feminist Too!
And a Feminist Too!
If you feel Michael Vick is a better role model than Clarence Thomas....
You Just Might be a Liberal!
If you feel submerging a crucifix in urine is art but putting a copy of the Koran in a toilet is hate speech….
You Just Might be a Liberal!
If Obama pledging to never ever use Nukes under any circumstance made your knees weak with joy....
You Just Might be a liberal
If you believe Nancy Pelosi is a sniveling sell out because she didn't cut off funds to our troops...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you still feel "something must have happened" in the Duke Lacrosse case....
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you feel Imus should be fired for what he said but Rappers should be given Grammy’s for saying far worse….
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you drive an SUV that gets less than 10 MPG to a Global Warming rally….
You Just Might be a Liberal
In the past five years, if you’ve spent more time in “Rehab” than church….
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you pine for the good old days when Janet Reno was Attorney General….
You Just Might be a Liberal
While you feel Ann Coulter is a homophobic bomb thrower, you have to admit John Edwards is kind of cute….
You Just Might be a Liberal!
If you think Clinton’s firing ALL 93 U.S. Attorneys is fine but Bush firing 8 is an impeachable offense….
You Just Might be a Liberal!
If you're willing to waive your aversion to Captial Punishment in the Scotter Libby case....
You Just Might be a Liberal!
If you think White people who never owned slaves should give money to Black people who never were slaves...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you've ever bought a "Gangsta Rap" CD because you love the lyrics....
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you feel pornography is protected speech but calling someone a bad name is a "Hate Crime"...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you think making honest people jump through hoops to legally own a gun will cut down on crime....
You Just Might be a Liberal
If any religious symbol in a public place kicks you into "Righteous Indignation" mode...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you feel the Arab Muslins killing the Black Muslims in Darfur is George W. Bush's fault...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you ever had to cancel a "Global Warming" protest because it was too cold and snowy...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you feel shouting down a speaker you disagree with is a good exercise in Free Speech...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you are baffled as to why we're spending so much money on prisons while the crime rate is falling...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you think second hand smoke is a bigger threat than global terrorism....
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you hate the military, big oil and Halliburton but "Support Our Troops"...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If the idea of meeting Dennis Kucinich in person makes your heart race...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you've ever called Forbes magazine a "Capitalist Tool" and meant it in a bad way...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you "teach" in any of the Humanities Departments of any major college...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you feel the UN should have control over America's foreign policy....
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you feel the National Education Association does a great job educating our kids...
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you believe Bill Clinton "Never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinski."
You Just Might be a Liberal
If you think Charlie Sheen is a better role model than George W. Bush...
You Just Might be a Liberal.
If you have a degree in "Woman's Studies" and its not about picking up babes
You Just Might be a Liberal.
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