If the idea of meeting Dennis Kucinich in person makes your heart race...

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you think Keith Olbermann is the voice of reason on cable news....

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you've ever called Forbes magazine a "Capitalist Tool" and meant it in a bad way...

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you've never been north of 125th Street or west of the Hudson River but think you know best how Alaska should drill for oil...

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you've ever called an illegal alien an "Undocumented Worker"...

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you wish more places could be as enlightened as San Francisco

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you oppose the death penality but support abortion....

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you spend more time at "Peace" rallies than at church....

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you "teach" in any of the Humanities Departments of any major college...

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you work for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or the New York Times...

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you believe the Dixie Chicks got all those Grammys because of their singing ability instead of their politics....

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you feel the UN should have control over America's foreign policy....

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you feel anyone who disagrees with you is brain damaged....

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you feel animals should have the same rights as people....

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you didn't find "Brokeback Mountain" the least bit creepy...

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you feel the National Education Association does a great job educating our kids...

You Just Might be a Liberal

If you believe Bill Clinton "Never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinski."

You Just Might be a Liberal